[Rivet] Rivet validation plots

Jamie Tattersall tattersall at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri May 6 10:19:19 BST 2016

Hi Andy,

Thanks, that's really helpful and I wasn't aware of it.

My particular interest was actually in ATLAS_2013_I1190187 as we could 
never reproduce the p_T(lep lep met) distribution and I just saw that 
there was now a rivet implementation. We were not the only theory group 
that had this issue but we could never really get to the bottom of it 
(even after correspondance with ATLAS). Unfortunately (unless I've 
missed something) it seems like the file here only contains the data and 
not the validation.

In general, we would love to see as much as possible! Histograms, with 
the data vs monte carlo is the obvious one. I've just had a random look 
through some of the analyses present and stumbled across 
ATLAS_2015_I1351916. I guess the plots here are just what we are looking 
for but particularly important for us is to also know exactly which 
Monte-Carlo was used (I have to admit that I haven't dug up the paper so 
perhaps this is made clear here). In any case, it would be very useful 
to have the information contained in the validation directory.

Even better would be the actual monte-carlo run cards and SLHA cards 
(for BSM). We've had so many analyses where we are guessing at exactly 
what the collaboration setup was and this information immediately 
removes that. I should note that we also don't have this online but I 
will start on this today!

For easy access it would also be great if you could provide a link next 
to the analysis which goes directly to html rendered version of all this.


On 05/05/16 21:06, Andy Buckley wrote:
> On 05/05/16 19:28, Jamie Tattersall wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> This is potentially a very stupid question..... but where do I find
>> validation material (i.e plots) for the Rivet analyses? (I've been
>> clicking for a while now but not got anywhere).
> Hi Jamie,
> Good question! This is probably something that we should make a 
> systematic point of putting online. For the last year or so, we have 
> managed to get the experiments to supply validation plots along with 
> the code, and those plot sets are in the tarballs at
> https://www.hepforge.org/archive/rivet/contrib/
> For a lot of the SM ones, there are also fairly up-to-date comparisons 
> against modern generators at http://mcplots.cern.ch/
> But we don't yet have a repository of e.g. generator comparisons to 
> all plots on the Rivet website. It is something that we could add, 
> though... just putting our new nightly validation outputs on the 
> website for example.
> I guess that you are more interested in the BSM analyses, though. What 
> sort of validation would you like to see for those? As you know, they 
> haven't been a major emphasis so far, but that is changing so any 
> input is welcome!
> Andy

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