HEPForge Projects

Here is the current list of projects using HepForge to do their development.

  • 2hdmc Two-Higgs-Doublet Model Calculator
  • abc4eft Mathematica Package: amplitude basis construction for effective field theories at any dimension
  • ACROPOLIS A generiC fRamework fOr Photodisintegration Of LIght elementS
  • agile C++ MC generator interface library
  • alohep A Luminosity Optimizer for High Energy Physics.
  • alpaca A Monte Carlo Generator for ALP Production
  • alterbbn Calculation of BBN abundances in alternative cosmologies
  • amcfast A fast interface between MadGraph5_aMC@NLO and APPLgrid
  • ant ANalytic loopTools - is a Mathematica package implementing all Passarino-Veltman functions up to 4 legs as defined by FormCalc/LoopTools in the limit of vanishing external momenta.
  • antjets
  • apfel A PDF Evolution Library
  • applgrid A tool for the fast and accurate reproduction of full (N)NLO QCD calculations with any parton distributions in only a few milliseconds.
  • aru ARU is a non-parametric algorithm to unfold detector degradation effects caused by limited resolution and efficiency from one-dimensional data distributions. It is a fully automatic algorithm that works fully automatic, yielding optimal results (in a well defined mathematical sense).
  • bamps BAMPS is a multi-purpose solver for the Boltzmann Equation. We aim at making it public.
  • bayesianalignment RecursiveBayesAlignment
  • bbhfonll
  • blackhat
  • blackhawk Calculation of Hawking radiation spectra of General Relativity black holes.
  • blackmax A comprehensive black hole event generator
  • blue a software package to combine correlated estimates of physics observables within ROOT using the Best Linear Unbiased Estimate method
  • bsmai
  • bsmfitter
  • cascade MC hadron level event generator for ep and pp using uPDFs
  • cedar
  • CepGen A generic central exclusive processes event generator
  • chani A tool for transient simulation of charge transport.
  • chaplin Complex Harmonic Polylogarithms in FORTRAN
  • charybdis2 A black hole generator
  • checkmate A tool to easily test simulated event files against LHC results.
  • cidijet A program for computation of jet cross sections induced by quark contact interactions at hadron colliders with fast PDF interpolation.
  • collier COLLIER is a fortran library for the numerical evaluation of one-loop scalar and tensor integrals appearing in perturbative relativistic quantum field theory
  • colorfull A C++ code for color summed calculations in QCD.
  • contur
  • crashtest
  • crep
  • ct CTEQ-TEA parton distribution functions in the nucleon
  • cute Resummed transverse momentum distributions for Drell-Yan, W, Z and Higgs production
  • cutlang A generic language to describe event selection for cut based HEP analyses.
  • DarkSUSY Numerical computation of dark matter observables
  • ddcalc Dark matter direct detection phenomenology package
  • debinning debinning is a new data smoothing technique, which has recently undergone a major upgrade
  • difftop
  • dimemc Monte Carlo Event Generator for exclusive meson pair production via double Pomeron exchange
  • direforpythia
  • discrete A Mathematica package with tools for model building involving discrete symmetries.
  • dispred Tools for calculating deep inelastic scattering (DIS) cross sections at LO and NLO in QCD.
  • diver A fast parameter sampler and optimiser based on differential evolution.
  • dmnlo Computing the neutralino relic density including one-loop QCD corrections
  • dmyspec DMγSpec: Generation of the Sudakov resummed photon energy spectrum from wino/Higgsino dark matter annihilation
  • dpmjetiii
  • dsid
  • dupa test if it works
  • dvegas Parallel Adaptive Monte Carlo Integration in C++
  • DYTurbo Fast predictions for Drell-Yan processes
  • e6tensors A Mathematica package that provides explicit matrix expressions for group theoretic calculations in E6.
  • easyscanhep
  • edde Monte-Carlo Generator for Exclusive Double Diffractive Events (FORTRAN)
  • eerad3 Event shapes and jet rates in e+e- annihilation up to NNLO
  • eicathiaf
  • elegent A generator of elastic (anti)proton-proton collisions.
  • elliptic-intersection Computes pushforward of generating function of intersection numbers in resolved elliptic fibrations
  • epump error PDF Updating Method Package
  • estarlight
  • etmac Fitting program for lattice QCD based on R
  • EvtGen EvtGen is a Monte Carlo generator of particle decays, in particular the weak decays of heavy flavour particles such as B mesons.
  • exdiff C++ Monte-Carlo generator for Exclusive Diffractive PROcesses
  • exhume C++ generator of central Exclusive Hadronic Monte-carlo Events
  • fastjet a package for fast jet clustering in pp and e+e- events, plus many useful jet-related tools
  • fastlim
  • fastnlo Fast pQCD calculations for hadron-induced processes
  • feynhiggs Fortran code for the diagrammatic calculation of the masses, mixings and much more of Higgs bosons in the MSSM at the two-loop level.
  • feynml
  • feynweb FeynWeb enables you to easily display vector Feynman diagrams on your website
  • fftjet Multiresolution jet reconstruction in the Fourier domain
  • fherwig Fortran-based Monte Carlo event generator with parton shower
  • flexiblesusy A Mathematica and C++ package to create fast and modular spectrum generators for supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric models.
  • formflavor Extendable Mathematica package for the automated computation of one-loop Wilson coefficients and evaluation of flavor and CP observables in BSM models
  • frog The Fast and Realistic OpenGl Event Display
  • fsclassifier
  • gambit The Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool
  • gamlike Likelihoods for indirect dark matter searches with gamma rays
  • gammacombo GammaCombo is a statistics framework for combining measurements in order to produce confidence intervals on parameters of interest
  • geners Generic object serialization for C++, with compression and random access
  • genie
  • gg2vv
  • gm2calc Precise calculation of the muon anomalous magnetic moment in the MSSM
  • golem Golem95 One-Loop Integral Library
  • gosam General One-Loop Evaluator for Matrix elements
  • grip GrIP is a Mathematica® based package that computes the Group Invariant Polynomial of (super)fields.
  • gsdpdf Gaunt-Stirling Double Parton Distribution Functions
  • h1jet A fast and easy-to-use program to compute transverse momentum distributions
  • hawk HAWK is a Monte Carlo integrator for the Higgs-production channels pp -> H + 2jets (VBF) and pp -> HW/HZ -> Hll' (VH)
  • hej The implementation of the High Energy Jets-formalism for jet predictions at hadron colliders
  • helac
  • helix
  • hepdata HepData database and Web interface development project
  • hepforge
  • heplib HepLib is a C++ library in High Energy Physics.
  • hepmath
  • hepmc
  • hepmcvisual An interactive Browser for HepMC events
  • hepml Proposed interchange formats for MC parameters and HepData records
  • hepplotconvert
  • heptex Collection of HEP-specific TeX/LaTeX packages
  • herafitter
  • herwig Simulate Standard Model processes at lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron colliders at NLO+PS accuracy within one program.
  • higgsbounds
  • higgslineshapecalculator
  • hjets A tool for calculating electroweak cross sections for Higgs plus jets at NLO in QCD
  • hoppet Higher Order Perturbative Parton Evolution Toolkit
  • hype
  • hypexp
  • hzsteer IO and steering utilities for HZTool.
  • hztool Data-MC comparison histrogramming
  • jetvheto NNLL resummation for jet-vetoes in Higgs and Z-boson production
  • jetweb Web-based system for MC event generator validation
  • jewel
  • jimmy Multiple interations implementation for Herwig
  • jminhep a framework for clustering analysis in JAVA
  • kalmanalignment Detector alignment based on Kalman Filter
  • kira Feynman integral reduction
  • krknlo
  • kstest Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic with high precision (C++)
  • ktjet C++ implementation of the kT jet clustering algorithm
  • LePDF pdf electroweak collider lepton electron muon Standard Model PDFs of leptons
  • lhapdf Les Houches Accord PDF library and interface
  • lhef C++ classes for reading and writing Les Houches Event Files
  • lhpc
  • libhfill A library for filling histograms from MC codes.
  • lieart A Mathematica application for Lie algebras and representation theory
  • likedm Likelihood calculator of dark matter detection
  • lilith A tool for constraining new physics from Higgs measurements
  • lool Leading Order One-Loop Integrals
  • loopsim Method to generate unitarity-based approximations to loop contributions
  • lqnlo Leptoquark toolbox for precision collider studies
  • lusifer
  • manet Implementation for NVIDIA GPUs of a statistical two-sample comparison test known as the energy test
  • matrix
  • matthew4hep
  • mbtools Tools for evaluating Mellin-Barnes integrals
  • mcfm
  • mcgrid Interpolation tools for NLO Event Generators
  • mctlib
  • mcuncert Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo error estiamtes for high dimensional integrals
  • meerkat Multidimensional kernel density estimation package
  • meks A modified EKS code for the calculation of NLO double differential corss sections of single-inclusive jet and dijet production at hadron colliders
  • metapdf A meta-analysis of parton distribution functions at NNLO for LHC applications
  • microjets
  • MiMeS Library for the calculation of the relic abundance in various ALP cases and cosmological scenarios.
  • mixmax This is a fast new implementation of the matrix random number generator MIXMAX.
  • moncher Monte-Carlo for Charge Exchange Reactions (FORTRAN)
  • monsterfit Mathematica notebook providing a likelihood function for Wilson coefficients of D=6 SMEFT operators from low-energy precision measurements
  • moses
  • mstwpdf Martin-Stirling-Thorne-Watt Parton Distribution Functions
  • myfitter A Python framework for global fits
  • nCTEQ nCTEQ project is an extension of the CTEQ collaborative effort to determine parton distribution functions inside of a free proton. It generalizes the free-proton PDF framework to determine densities of partons in bound protons (hence nCTEQ which stands for nuclear CTEQ). All details on the framework and the first complete results can be found in arXiv:1509.00792 [hep-ph].
  • newwave Tools for wavelet analysis of HEP events
  • ninja
  • nnhep
  • nnlojet
  • nnpdf
  • nntopdec A program for precise calculation of fully differential decay of top quark up to NNLO in QCD.
  • npstat Non-parametric statistical modeling and analysis in C++ and Python
  • nucraft Python tool for accurate and flexible calculation of oscillation probabilities of atmospheric neutrinos, including matter effects, CP violation, and optional sterile flavors
  • nuisance Compares and tunes neutrino interaction generators to scattering data and each other. Supports GENIE, NuWro, GiBUU, NEUT and NUANCE.
  • nulike Neutrino telescope likelihood tools
  • nupro
  • opaljets
  • opucem A C library to compute the EW oblique parameters S,T,U for a given model.
  • orbifolder A C++ Tool to study the Low Energy Effective Theory of Heterotic Orbifolds.
  • packagex A Mathematica package to obtain analytic expressions for dimensionally regulated one-loop integrals.
  • PClarkTest A Test Project for pclark.
  • PentagonFunctions Provide analytical results and numerical routines for two-loop five-point functions.
  • peter Resummation for electroweak bosons at large transverse momentum
  • philiptgrace
  • pilemc
  • ploughshare
  • professor Tuning tool for MC generators and general purpose parametrisation
  • promc Multiplatform input/output for Monte Carlo events
  • promptnuflux
  • prophecy4f Prophecy4f is a Monte Carlo integrator for Higgs-boson decays H -> WW/ZZ -> 4 fermions
  • provbfh
  • pyfeyn Python library for programatically drawing Feynman diagrams
  • pyrate Python Renormalization Group Equations for Everyone
  • qbh Monte Carlo Event Generator for Quantum Black Hole Production and Decay in Proton-Proton Collisions
  • qcdnum Fast NNLO DGLAP evolution package (FORTRAN77 with C++ interface)
  • qqbarthreshold A C++ library and Mathematica package for heavy quark production at e+ e- colliders at N3LO
  • racoonww A Monte Carlo generator for 4-fermion production at e+e- colliders
  • radiator
  • rapgap
  • rave Reconstruction in an Abstract Versatile Environment
  • reapmpt Mathematica packages for computing the renormalization group running of neutrino masses and extracting lepton masses, mixing angles and CP phases from the mass matrices
  • recola Recola is a Fortran95 computer program for the automated generation and numerical computation of EW and QCD amplitudes in the Standard Model and Beyond Standard Model theories at next-to-leading order.
  • reduze
  • renesance MC event generator with NLO EW accuracy, which takes into account polarization effects
  • resbos
  • resummino
  • rghiggs Renormalization-Group improved predictions for Higgs production
  • rivet C++ re-implementation of the HZTool MC validation tool
  • rk Relativistic Kinematics, with numerics done right
  • roottuple A library enabling ROOT n-tuple output from FORTRAN HEP programs
  • rosetta An operator basis translator for Standard Model effective field theory
  • rsymsqcd A C++ code for the calculation of NLO R-symmetric SQCD corrections to pair production of color charged particles in the Minimal R-symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model
  • runmc Monte Carlo analysis framework based on C++(ROOT) with JAVA GUI
  • sacotmps A simplified-ACOT scheme with massive phase space for heavy-flavor hadroproduction at the LHC.
  • samurai Scattering Amplitudes from Unitarity-based Reduction Algorithm at the Integrand-level
  • sarah A Mathematica package for building and analyzing SUSY and Non-SUSY models
  • sartre Event Generator for Exclusive Diffractive Processes in ep and eA Collisions
  • scanners A C++ scanning tool for extended scalar sectors
  • secdec Numerical evaluation of multi-loop (multi-parameter) integrals
  • sfgen A Monte Carlo for photon-initiated production in the structure function framework
  • sherpa
  • siscone C++ code for a Seedless Infrared-Safe Cone jet finder
  • smodels
  • SoftSERVE A project to numerically evaluate soft functions for generic dijet observables in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
  • softsusy This code provides a SUSY spectrum in the MSSM consistent with input low energy data, and a user supplied high energy constraint (eg minmal SUGRA).
  • sospin Decomposition of the Yukawa invariants under SO(2n) groups in terms of the SU(n) states
  • spartyjet
  • spheno
  • sphingx
  • stablejet
  • starlight
  • strings Monte Carlo Event Generator for the Production and Decay of String Resonances in Proton-Proton Collisions
  • superchic Monte Carlo generator for central exclusive production
  • superlfv
  • suseflav
  • sushi
  • susyai
  • t3ps A tool for parameter scans using multiple processors in parallel.
  • tglaubermc A ROOT-based implementation of the PHOBOS Glauber Monte Carlo
  • thepeg Platform for using and building C++ event generators
  • tldr Two Loop Diagram Repository
  • tmd Transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions
  • tmdlib
  • tom
  • topness
  • triplek A Mathematica package for evaluating triple-K integrals and conformal correlation functions
  • tumble
  • updfevolv
  • vevacious Vevacious is a tool which takes a generic expression for a one-loop effective potential energy function and finds all the tree-level extrema, which are then used as the starting points for gradient-based minimization of the one-loop effective potential.
  • vvamp
  • w2pho
  • whizard A Generator of Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC, ILC and other High Energy Physics Experiments
  • wimpydd A code to calculate WIMP direct detection expected rates.
  • xfitter
  • xjetamps Multiloop QCD amplitudes for the production of a massive color singlet and a jet at hadron colliders
  • yoda

Externally hosted HEP projects

These are projects that have asked to be linked from here.

  • flavio Flavour physics phenomenology
  • Homebrew-hep High energy physics package manager for Mac OS X
  • JHUGen / MELA Event generator and matrix element library for the study of resonance production at hadron and lepton colliders.
  • jHepWork Multiplatform environment for scientific computation and data analysis
  • MCviz A HEP Monte Carlo Visualizer
  • multinest
  • Pythia A program for the generation of high-energy physics collision events. (Previously Pythia 6 and Pythia 8)
  • SuperBayeS Fast and efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling of supersymmetric theories parameter space. Evaluation and plotting of Bayesian and frequentist statistics.
  • Vscape