[Rivet] AGILe: Herwig+Rivet gives error

Daniel Weyh weyh at physik.hu-berlin.de
Fri Aug 5 15:26:34 BST 2011

Hi there,

I'm setting up the VM and it seems to work mostly...
But I naivly tried to do 'agile-runmc Herwig:6.520 -o- | rivet -A' and 
got "Failed to initialize using event file '-'... exiting" .

If found out this is connected to a line "C inf inf" in the hepmc record, 
as it works when I write to a file, remove the line and run rivet on the file.
So, is it user mistake (some command line flag? I do not know anything...)
or somewhere in agile or herwig? -> Do we have to worry for the VM?


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