[Rivet] missing RivetAIDA.hh file in home-brew installed rivet on OS X

roy.lemmon at stfc.ac.uk roy.lemmon at stfc.ac.uk
Fri Mar 4 15:30:50 GMT 2016

Hi David,

Thanks for your help.

Yes, I have quickly realised that AIDA is no longer used and now YODA is used. Looks like I need to read the manual again …


On 4 Mar 2016, at 15:19, David Bjergaard <david.bjergaard at gmail.com<mailto:david.bjergaard at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Roy,

The experts can comment better, but it looks like RivetAIDA.hh was removed in
recent version of rivet (if I run "find . -name 'RivetAIDA.hh'" on my
installation it returns no results).  I'm not sure what functionality it
provided.  Recent versions of Rivet are using YODA for histograming, so its
likely that you'll have to substitute the AIDA interface for the YODA one. IIRC
they're very similar, so it may just be a matter of switching the headers.
Check the other (recent) analyses shipped with rivet.

Also, it doesn't look like your installation with homebrew is bad, it just
looks like you're trying to compile an old analysis with a new version of



<roy.lemmon at stfc.ac.uk<mailto:roy.lemmon at stfc.ac.uk>> writes:


I am new to Rivet so bear with me … Hopefully this is the right email address.

I am trying to create a new rivet analysis, which is from an older LPCC monte carlo workshop. the file is attached (MC_TTW.cc).

From your manual, I am using the following command: rivet-buildplugin RivetMC_TTW.so MC_TTW.cc

However this fails with the following error:

MC_TTW.cc:15:10: fatal error: 'Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh' file not found

#include "Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh"

I have used homebrew on OSX (Yosemite) to install rivet. If I look in
/usr/local/Cellar/rivet/2.4.0/include/Rivet I cannot find the
RivetAIDA.hh file in the directory. All other include files MCC_TTW.cc
needs are there in the directory. Have I somehow not installed rivet
correctly with brew - I just used brew install rivet ? Or is this .hh
file deprecated now ?

I will try from my linux laptop over the w/e.

Thanks for your help.


Roy Lemmon
STFC Daresbury Laboratory
United Kingdom

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