[Rivet] mkhtml config options

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Mon Jun 8 23:04:45 BST 2015

On 08/06/15 22:19, David Grellscheid wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> That example looks great! I fully agree that a lot of the functionality
> needs to move into the yoda and rivet modules respectively. Maybe we can
> reserve a (short) slot for working on this in Glasgow?

Absolutely! I guess we will break into little working groups at some
point, and since others are covering the NLO/multiweights bit, I'm happy
to dedicate some time to making the scripts, plotting, and other
niceties work a bit better :-)

I've made some changes to rivet-cmphistos and rivet-mkhtml which use
this new yoda.read() functionality (i.e. requires YODA trunk) to
implement -m/-M flags. The ones from rivet-mkhtml are passed directly
into the rivet-cmphistos command argument list, and rivet-cmphistos
passes them straight through to yoda.read(). I've not tested it, other
than running Rivet's "make check", so can someone who's actively using
the scripts right now -- David? -- try it out?

If we want these scripts (without -m/-M) to be usable with older
versions of YODA than the one that we'll release along with the next
Rivet, we'll have to put some try blocks in. We can update the Rivet
configure's minimal YODA version requirement, and I think the concurrent
release versions are ~always used for the builds, so I would rather keep
the code clean and iterate toward the nicest possible API than build in
backward compatibility that's not *really* needed. But that's not a
strongly held view: add the try blocks if you want!


Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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