[Rivet] Question about YODA plotting only some histos based on regular expression

Adrian Buzatu Adrian.Buzatu at glasgow.ac.uk
Sat Jun 6 16:50:08 BST 2015

Dear Rivet, YODA authors,

I am using Rivet and YODA. I create many histograms (on the order of 400) and creating the .pdf plots for the .dat aabout 10 minutes. As I fine tune the YMin and YMax ranges, I want to be able to test it easily. In short, I want to be able to plot only one or a few histograms instead of them all. I find two potential solutions, but I have questions for both.

rivet-mkhtml ${RIVET_OUTPUT_FILE} -c ${RIVET_ANALYSIS}.plot -m counter*
I see in rivet-mkhtml that -m and -M allow for a regular expression of the histogram. However, this does not work for me. The documentation says
                        only write out histograms from analyses whose name
                        matches any of these regexes
                        Exclude histograms whose $path/$name string matches
                        these regexes
There is an inconsistency between the two options, one says name, the other says $path/$name
I tried all options but could not find one that works.
My plots get saved in plots/RivetHbbBJets and there .dot files such as
I would like to keep only those with "counter_" in the name for example, or remove those with "counter_" in the name.

2. I found in a Rivet tutorial online by Andy Buckley (which I found very useful, by the way) that I can replace the rivet-mkhtml command with two commands:
# here make all the .dat files (it works)
rivet-cmphistos ${RIVET_OUTPUT_FILE} -o plots --hier-out
# here create only the histograms that I want (it works, so regular expressions work here)
make-plots ./plots/RivetHbbBJets/*counter*.dat --pdfpng
# but then we want one more step, that of making the index.html that has all the plots in one webpage. How is that done in a new command as well? I tried this again, but it did not work.
rivet-mkhtml ${RIVET_OUTPUT_FILE} -c ${RIVET_ANALYSIS}.plot -m counter*
It only creates an index.html in plots, but not in plots/RivetHbbBJets

I create a similar script myself in bash, but it would be useful if it would provided in a simple form (presumably in python for consistency) by Rivet/Yoda.

if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 Folder
Usage: $0 afs/phas.gla.ac.uk/user/a/abuzatu/public_ppe/RivetHbbBJets
exit 1


# go to the folder that has the files
pushd ${FOLDER}

rm -f ${INDEX_FILE}

for FILE in `ls -1 *.pdf`
    echo "<br> ${STEM} <br>" >> ${INDEX_FILE}
    echo "<br> <a href=\"./${STEM}.pdf\"> <img src=\"./${STEM}.png\" alt=\"Mountain View\"> </a> <br>" >> ${INDEX_FILE}

# return to folde r when we run from


The way to run everything in step 2:

RIVET_RUN="rivet --pwd -a ${RIVET_ANALYSIS} ${RIVET_INPUT_FILE} -H ${RIVET_OUTPUT_FILE} -n 100 --histo-interval=10000 " #-l Rivet.Analysis=DEBUG -v "
RIVET_MKHTML="rivet-mkhtml ${RIVET_OUTPUT_FILE} -c ${RIVET_ANALYSIS}.plot --mc-errs -M \"./plots/RivetHbbBJets/counter_lepton.dat\"' " # -n 8 -v
RIVET_CMPHISTOS="rivet-cmphistos ${RIVET_OUTPUT_FILE} -o plots --hier-out"
MAKE_PLOTS="make-plots ./plots/${RIVET_ANALYSIS}/counter*.dat --pdfpng -n 4"
MAKE_HTML="./make_html.sh ${RIVET_PLOTS_FOLDER}"

`echo ${MAKE_PLOTS}`
mv ./plots/${RIVET_ANALYSIS}/*.png ${RIVET_PLOTS_FOLDER}/.
mv ./plots/${RIVET_ANALYSIS}/*.pdf ${RIVET_PLOTS_FOLDER}/.
`echo ${MAKE_HTML}`

Thank you,

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