[Rivet] A new LHCb plugin for RIVET

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Thu Oct 2 14:48:23 BST 2014

Hi Alex,

Thanks very much for these. I have put both tarballs straight into our
public "contrib" download area so there is no delay in making them
available to the wider public.

Indeed we are not actively supporting Rivet 1.x anymore, nd of course
encourage you to upgrade to v2 -- in fact, we just released 2.2.0 which
became available in the Genser library collections today ;-)  However,
while I don't want to encourage this way of working, if you have *no*
other option then we can do the code conversion from v1 plugins to be
suitable for the active release series. This should in most cases be
easy (just change "Histogram1D" to "Histo1D", #include fewer headers,
etc.), but in more involved cases such as where there are histogram
divisions or where DataPointSet / Scatter2D points are manually
constructed, it might require a bit more work. (Or the best way might
not be immediately obvious: we have several nice optimisations that are
improvements over the AIDA way.) Please let us know and we will try to

Regarding which analyses to implement... I don't think I should be the
sole judge of that! What's uninteresting to me might not be to someone
else. But as a rule of thumb I would say that the most relevant analyses
for Rivet are those which are *not* measurements of CP angles or asymms.
And *probably* not measurements of hadron masses, J^PC quantum numbers,
lifetimes, or branching ratios either: running lots of MC events isn't
the best way to test the implementation of those in generators although
of course it is a very important thing to test. What is most obviously
"Rivetable" is your measurements of W/Z production in LHCb acceptance,
and (identified|inclusive) hadron pT, rapidity, etc. kinematics.

If there are things in hadron decay chain analysis which we could make
easier by providing standard tools, please let us know / suggest
implementations. We have improved the Particle class decay chain methods
recently but it's still very basic and you are the best real-world
testing group that we have for such things! If you are having to write
the same HepMC-tree-walking code again and again, then we have done
something wrong/insufficiently.

I had a quick look at the top three LHCb "recent results" pages linked

and from these I (very roughly) picked out these papers as perhaps being
of maximum interest:


I'm sure there are more from earlier papers, but maybe this gives you a
flavour of what is "Rivety".

By the way, I noticed some issues with these public results pages:

* Mix-up of PAPER -> CDS _talk_, e.g. LHCb-PAPER-2013-061 ->

* LHCb-PAPER-2014-020 is not linked to CDS

* LHCb-PAPER-2013-060 -> https://cds.cern.ch/record/1528222 is
definitely not a physics result!

* In general it would be nice to have a _little_ more info than just the
LHCB-PAPER code without having to click the link!


On 02/10/14 00:51, Alex Grecu wrote:
> Dear developers,
> I attach the source code of one of the plugins we've been developing
> lately at LHCb. This one is for the multiplicity measurement published
> this year. I attach 2 zip files corresponding to the plugin code which
> was originally written for 1.9.0 and a version I adjusted and tested for
> Rivet 2.x series (over a period of a few days of painfully using LHCb
> packages under development).
> Unfortunately, the release of the rest of the plugins (3-4 currently
> being in various stages of development to my knowledge) is a little
> delayed because it seems you're not supporting Rivet 1.x any more and in
> LHCb we just adopted Rivet 1.9 and we're slowly moving toward Rivet 2.x
> (but we're not there yet). So most of the plugins are developed mainly
> using Rivet 1.9.0 and the AIDA histogram system. To speed up release
> would it be possible for you to accept the plugins prepared and tested
> using Rivet 1.9.0? I understand it may be too much to ask the
> involvement of such resources for LHCb so could you please compile and
> send me a list of LHCb measurements that you would like to have in Rivet
> a.s.a.p. so that I can prioritize the conversion of the existing code or
> the development of new plugins in near future?
> Best regards,
> Alex
> -- 
> *LHCb* Experiment
> /Horia Hulubei/ National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear
> Engineering (IFIN-HH)
> ========================
> Office: 11/1-014
> Phone: +41 22 76 79058
> Postbox: F26500
> ========================
> Bucharest-Magurele, 408 Atomistilor, DFT bld, office 220 (2nd floor),
> Phone: +4(0) 21 404 62 48; ext. 3404
> Skype name: /alex.t.grecu/
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Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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