[Rivet] Branched release-2-0

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Mon Jan 27 11:15:46 GMT 2014

Hi David,

I'm coming back to this with another question:

> The 'default' branch is now free again to merge in any completed development
> features which will belong in 2-1. Progress on release-2-0 should also be
> pulled into 'default' from time to time.

How do I do this "pulling from release-2.0 into default"? Do I simply
go to my local release-2-0 repo and push from there to trunk?

$ cd workdir-release-2-0
$ hg parents
changeset:   4277:c64b58c4aede
branch:      release-2-0
tag:         tip
user:        Frank Siegert <frank.siegert at cern.ch>
date:        Mon Jan 27 11:55:33 2014 +0100
summary:     fix for compile error: '>>' should be '> >' within a
nested template argument list
$ hg push trunk

I'm asking, because at the moment I have set up the dev-mode bootstrap
such that it uses default and I wanted to make sure that the latest
bugfixes are in there.

But I'm actually coming to think now that it might be more appropriate
to point the dev-mode bootstrap to release-2-0 (and bump this for each
release), since that's most likely what a "dev-mode user" wants to
have, i.e. latest analyses. Do you agree? For "real dev-mode guys"
it'll be trivial after the bootstrap to hg up to the default branch.

> In Mercurial the most tricky operation is to disentangle checkins that got
> onto the wrong branch. Please make extra sure your commits go to the right
> place!

That's why I ask ;-)


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