[Rivet] boost.m4 BOOST_FIND_LIB

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Tue Jul 16 13:00:09 BST 2013

Hi all,

> There's a new branch called "gzip" with the iostreams dependency.  I
> don't understand why, but it's also put the jet tagging stuff into
> the default branch rather than on its own branch as it was on my
> repository

On your own repository, it was in "default", therefore it stays in
default.  We've got a mess now, where the jet tagging stuff cannot
easily be untangled again. To push only the branch where you currently
are, you need to say 'hg push -r .'.

To create a new feature, clone _trunk_ into its own directory in
hg-private. DO NOT USE NAMED BRANCHES for feature developments.

> - I merged the trunk onto the jet-tagging, but I guess
> this meant there was only a single tip?  Will this fix itself the
> next time someone pushes into the repo?

No. Not if they follow the usual workflow. You have basically published
jet-tagging now. If that is a problem, and we need to develop rivet
without jet-tagging, work will need to be based off Frank Siegert's
checkin 18a418573dff.

I have marked the failed merge as closed, so most users who are unaware
should see the right behaviour. But please let me know before pushing
stuff to the public repo.



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