[Rivet] aidamerge

Hannes Jung hannes.jung at cern.ch
Sun Aug 21 08:15:10 BST 2011

Dear Andy et all

thanks a lot for your mail and your explanations.

I understand that aidamerge is not an official script.
However, in a usable histogramming package one must be able to add histograms at the end and possible errors must be trated, otherwise the package is not really usable for users... it might be fine for developers.
In Root as well as in the old hbook/paw package we had options which treated adding histograms properly, of course one has to be careful to add the proper things, and adding ratios might be tricky.... but then there must be an option to do the ratio while plotting.

There is of course an issue, whether whatever is added does make sense. But the package should work, or give an error message and treat that somehow, but not just crashing....

The Aida package is nice and I like very much the rivet-mkhtml script which make life much easier.... but I do not want to develop the histogramming package, I just want to use it and to be sure that it does what it is supposed to do....

Don't understand me wrong, I appreciate very much the help and support I get and got in the past solving problems with the histogramming package... but... I just want to use it.....

Thanks a lot for your support



On 20.08.2011, at 19:30, Andy Buckley wrote:

Hi Hannes and all,

Please, note that the aidamerge script is not an official Rivet script: it's an example of how you might write a script to do some *approximate* statistical merging of independent runs.

Because we don't currently store enough information to do the merging exactly, this script has to make some guesses, and that's why we don't offically support it. So you should make sure that it's doing merging appropriate for your data -- using it blindly *will* lead to errors.

So have a look in the code. From my own glances inside it, the approximate merging algorithm used assumes that the samples you are merging of the same size (you could add scale factors to a local copy if you need them), and that you are either merging normalised histograms or profile histograms -- if your data is of a different type, most notably un-normalised histograms, then the assumed error scaling will be incorrect. You mentioned ratios, Hannes: I *think* the scaling is probably correct, i.e. more data makes the values converge to the (weighted) mean of the runs and the errors get smaller as 1/sqrt(N)... but it depends on exactly what you're doing.


On 20/08/11 13:50, Hannes Jung wrote:
Hi Daniel

hm... it seems the messages below come from somewhere else....
it didn't change even when setting the error to 1 instead of 1E308....

Does anyone knows how to fix this ? ....


On 20.08.2011, at 14:32, Daniel Weyh wrote:

Ok, ... I don't know at all what the plottings themselve do.
Probably using another float 1e+20 or somethin instead of 1e308 will
not cause an overflow...

But, I'm afk at the moment... Sry

Am 20.08.2011 um 14:20 schrieb Hannes Jung <hannes.jung at cern.ch<mailto:hannes.jung at cern.ch>
<mailto:hannes.jung at cern.ch>>:

Hi Daniel again

maybe I was too fast,.... the aidamerge did work, but when plotting
it i get the follwoing errors:

(33 remaining)
(32 remaining)
Error: cannot convert float NaN to integer
Error: cannot convert float NaN to integer
(29 remaining)
Error: cannot convert float infinity to integer

and then rivet-mkhtml gets stuck...

thanks a lot

On 20.08.2011, at 13:53, Daniel Weyh wrote:

Sry, I didn't know where you got your copy from.
It is uploaded to SVN (r3300).
Please check this out or look at

Hope it helps,

Am 20.08.2011 um 13:35 schrieb Hannes Jung
<<mailto:hannes.jung at cern.ch>hannes.jung at cern.ch
<mailto:hannes.jung at cern.ch>>:

Hi Daniel

thanks a lot..... I guess this should work.... I just don't know
where to change what...
could you perhaps tell me a bit more what to change in which line,
or perhaps upload the patched version somewhere ?

Thanks very much

On 20.08.2011, at 13:27, Daniel Weyh wrote:

Dear Hannes,

Dear Riveties

adding several aida files works fine, only in some cases I get
the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./aidamerge", line 65, in <module>
sum_err2 += h.getBin(i).getErr()**2
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')

I guess it comes when a histo is not properly filled (fro example
when a ratio is taken).
Is there a way to prevent these error message, and to continue
with the program ?

I added a patch to catch the exception, use float('inf') during
summing up and in the write out step this 'inf' is converted to a
vee..eery large float.
Does this work for you?

@others: Is this the way it should work - or should we somehow
exclude such bins?!?


Hannes Jung
<mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch><mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>Hannes.Jung at cern.ch
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Hannes Jung
Email: <mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>Hannes.Jung at cern.ch
<mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
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Tel: +41 22 76 62602 (CERN)
CH-1211 Genève 23

Hannes Jung
Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch<mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch> <mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
Tel: +41 22 76 62602 (CERN)
CH-1211 Genève 23

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Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Hannes Jung
Email: Hannes.Jung at cern.ch<mailto:Hannes.Jung at cern.ch>
mobile :+49 40 8998 93741
Tel: +49 (0) 40 8998 3741 (DESY)
Tel: +41 22 76 62602 (CERN)
CH-1211 Genève 23

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