[Rivet] [Professor] RivetProfessor Virtual Machine

Daniel Weyh weyh at physik.hu-berlin.de
Sun Aug 7 15:51:54 BST 2011

Ok, took a little longer than I hoped...

The RSync part is not very straight forward for the users.
1. The 'provider' should make the VM visible from outside either by using a bridged ethernet (I didn't get it to work)
or by using the NAT port forwarding. For the latter you need to know that binding to ports <1024 is root-only and
your VirtualBox will not do this... so you will probably bind your external port 8730 to internal 873 (latter is rsync default).
Do this in VirtualBox network config.
After that, double click "start-rsync-daemon" on desktop and choose "Execute" (not 'in Terminal').
2. The 'consumer' should double click 'rsync-with-master' and give the providers reachable IP and the forwarded, external port number.
And then, everything should work fine... (with a GUI progress bar ^^ )

(When the progress bar is not moving in timescales of (maximum) minutes, something is broken, but by now I have not implemented visual feedback, sry.)

Unfortunately I'm only on DSL at home... and the upload will take 3h or more - from now.
Ans, yeah... I should think about a version naming scheme (I'm not good at all at this...) - so I renamed the last (from friday) to 1.0b (as in beta) and the upcoming to 1.0 ... you will find it in the Professor download area.
Packes size should be 722M.

Download, 'tar jx', create Virtual Machine with disk image contained in the tar.bz2.
Don't worry about it booting twice (the first time) as there are some MAC dependencies for networking - and I choose to remove anything connected to this issue if it does not work and let it rebuild from restart...

Hope it works and may help you,

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