[Rivet] Analysis D0_2001_S4674421

Flavia Dias fladias at gmail.com
Thu May 13 10:09:18 BST 2010

Hello all,

I'm having some problems running on the standard analysis D0_2001_S4674421

First, I was trying to run in the FIFO, generating events with
Herwig++. At some point of the analysis I always had a segmentation

Then I decided to make a test, and generated the HepMC file, with
small sample, just for test purposes. Then I opened the archive,
seemed fine. Tried to run the analysis CDF_2008_S7540469, and
everything went fine.

Then I tried to run the D0_2001_S4674421 analysis, it gave the the
following error:


fladias> rivet -a D0_2001_S4674421 out.events
Rivet running on machine pc108.hep.ucl.ac.uk (x86_64)
Reading events from 'out.events'
Segmentation fault


This was using my own installation of Rivet 1.2.1.

Then I tried to run with the version on the cluster (using the script
/unix/cedar/software/slc4/rivetenv-1.2.1.sh). At first, it couldn't
read the cross section from my HepMC file:


fladias> rivet -a D0_2001_S4674421 out.events
Rivet running on machine pc108.hep.ucl.ac.uk (x86_64)
Reading events from 'out.events'
Rivet.Run: ERROR  Total cross-section needed for at least one of the
analyses. Please set it (on the command line with '-x' if using the
'rivet' program)
Event processing failed for evt #1!
Finished event loop
Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO  Finalising analyses
python: Analysis.cc:239: double
Rivet::Analysis::crossSectionPerEvent() const: Assertion `sumW > 0'


Then I opened the log archive from Herwig++ and put the cross section
by hand, using -x. Then Rivet looped in all my events, and gave the
error in the end:


Event 10000 (164 s elapsed)
Finished event loop
Rivet.Analysis.Handler: INFO  Finalising analyses
Segmentation fault


Anyone has any idea of what could have happened?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards


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