[Rivet] plugin loading

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Sun Oct 11 18:29:23 BST 2009

James Monk wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble getting Rivet to load the plugin analyses.  The  
> standard analysis modules are all found ok, loadable and runnable...  
> fine.  With the plugin demo (and my own MC analysis I want to run, but  
> not add to the standard modules) it finds the module (TRACE says it is  
> attempting to load ./RivetMyAnalysis.so), but doesn't load the analysis.
> So, has anyone not using a mac got the plugin demo to work?  If so,  
> then there must be some subtle difference in the linking of the demo  
> and the standard modules, although I tried copying what libtool is  
> doing, with no success!

Hmm, strange. Until some other Mac user chips in, keep trying to mimic 
what libtool is doing!

Can you also register a ticket against "1.1.4" (I can't be bothered to 
rename it just yet!) to make sure this does get fixed/clarified for the 
next release?


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