[Rivet] HepMC 2.03 series on LCG AFS?

Lynn Garren garren at fnal.gov
Mon Feb 4 15:29:20 GMT 2008

Gonna have to revoke the math operators and get out a new release with a 
fix to IO_Herwig (Atlas found a problem).  I'm aiming to have that out 
sometime Tuesday.

I'll do the full (AFS) build for this new release.


Andy Buckley wrote:
> Hi Lynn,
> We're using the IO_GenEvent format with Rivet but, on trying to build at
> CERN against the LCG built versions of HepMC, I noticed that no versions
> with IO_GenEvent are available. With a Rivet release coming up, and
> everyone by now used to using IO_GenEvent dumps, it would be good if we
> can avoid regressing to one of the deprecated formats just because they
> aren't pre-built on AFS.
> Given that the HepMC versions with IO_GenEvent are actually available as
> the 2.03.x source releases (although they're not called "production
> releases") can you please provide a 2.03-series installed HepMC in the
> LCG area? I guess 2.03.02 would be the current best option, given the
> possible/probable revoking of the math operators.
> Cheers,
> Andy

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