[PyFeyn] PyFen Package Inquiry

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Mon May 10 09:49:05 BST 2021

Hi Pranjal,

The Python code is just calling latex in the background (via the pyx library -- https://pyx-project.org/ ), so you download the style files and put them in the latex search path. There will be a standard location on your system, but you can add a local one, e.g. in your home directory, by putting something like "export LATEXINPUTS=$HOME/mytex//" in your .bashrc and creating a ~/mytex directory with package files in (the double-slash means that location will be searched recursively)
I'm afraid that due to lack of time, I'm not able to develop pyfeyn anymore, and evolutions in the latex ecosystem mean that other approaches such as TikZ may work better these days. But it should still be runnable -- good luck!
Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer & Royal Society Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow, UK

On May 7 2021, at 9:22 pm, Singh, Pranjal <prsingh at davidson.edu> wrote:
> Hello Reader,
> Hope you are doing well. My name in Pranjal Singh and I am an undergraduate Physics major at Davidson College. I am currently working on a project for class and hoping to use the PyFeyn package for visualization of Feynman diagrams, however, I am having trouble with the LaTeX hepnames and the hepparticles and maybemath packages.
> I know how to work in Python but am unfamiliar with using LaTeX packages within python. After downloading the LaTeX packages, I am uncertain on how to incorporate the .sty files into the code. I was hoping for some guidance on the matter as I would really love to use the PyFeyn package. Thank you. Have a great weekend!
> Sincerely,
> Pranjal Singh
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