[PyFeyn] PyFen Package Inquiry

Singh, Pranjal prsingh at davidson.edu
Fri May 7 21:22:12 BST 2021

Hello Reader,

Hope you are doing well. My name in Pranjal Singh and I am an undergraduate Physics major at Davidson College. I am currently working on a project for class and hoping to use the PyFeyn package for visualization of Feynman diagrams, however, I am having trouble with the LaTeX hepnames and the hepparticles and maybemath packages.

I know how to work in Python but am unfamiliar with using LaTeX packages within python. After downloading the LaTeX packages, I am uncertain on how to incorporate the .sty files into the code. I was hoping for some guidance on the matter as I would really love to use the PyFeyn package. Thank you. Have a great weekend!

Pranjal Singh

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