[PyFeyn] PyFeyn adjust fonts

Georg von Hippel hippel at uni-mainz.de
Mon Nov 7 12:02:39 GMT 2016

Dear Ian,

Glad to hear you like PyFeyn! For the particle lines you can use the 
addStyle method, e.g.

f1 = Fermion(vin1,vout1).addArrow().addStyle(RED).addStyle(THICK3)

gives a fermion line which is red and somewhat thicker than normal. A 
number of colours and line widths are predefined in pyfeyn.paint, which is
imported for convenience in pyfeyn.user.

The labels are TeX, so you can use TeX commands within labels, e.g.


gives a filled red circular blob labelled $\Pi_{\mu\nu}$. Alternatively, 
you can change the attributes of the pyx.text.defaulttexrunner.

I hope this helps. Don't hesitate to ask in case of further questions.

Best regards,


On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Ian Brock wrote:

> Dear PyFeyn,
> I am getting used to using PyFeyn - certainly very promising and makes 
> nice graphs.
> How can I change the font, size, color etc. of both labels and particles 
> in Feynman graphs?
> Best Regards
> Ian
> Ian C. Brock | Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bonn | Nußallee 12 | D-53115 Bonn
> Tel. +49 228 733616 | Email: brock at physik.uni-bonn.de


  PD Dr. Georg von Hippel
  Institut für Kernphysik                 Office: 2-100
  Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz    Phone:  +49 6131 39-22933
  Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 45            Fax:    +49 6131 39-22964
  55099 Mainz                             Email:  hippel at uni-mainz.de
  Germany                                 wwwth.kph.uni-mainz.de/1205.php


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