[PyFeyn] Communication between PyX and Tex

Viesturs Veckalns viesturs.veckalns at cern.ch
Fri Aug 12 18:27:00 BST 2016

Dear PyFeyn team,
I am spending a lot of effort trying to install PyFeyn and run examples. During the installation I get these error messages:

sudo python setup.py install
still waiting for latex after 5 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 10 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 15 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 20 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 25 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 30 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 35 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 40 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 45 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 50 (of 60) seconds...
still waiting for latex after 55 (of 60) seconds...
the timeout of 60 seconds expired and latex did not respond.
Warning: hepnicenames package not found!

which based on these post


could be linked with PyX.

Overall the installation guidelines at

are very unclear full with dead links such as

and require me to spend hours trying to figure out how to install texlive and add different latex packages.

Cheers, Viesturs

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