[Rivet] Rivet dev meeting minutes/actions

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Sep 4 11:02:08 BST 2018

Dear all, here are some minutes/actions from yesterday's Rivet developer meeting:

Andy to validate & release multiweight v3; coordinate with James M re. plotting issue. Jon to coordinate v3/multiweight release note writing
Andy to investigate "jet jitter" hints from 261 validation
... DONE! It's a random number issue from smearing. Didn't know smearing was used in these, e.g. CDF_1997_S3541940, CDF_1996_S3349578, CDF_1996_S3108457. Fixing RNG seed doesn't fix (I think) -- need to always use ordered physics object lists in SmearedParticles & SmearedJets?

Jon B and Chris G (?) to investigate the reported doc build failures on release-2-6-x head
Jon B, James M (and Jochen K?) + other Macistes to investigate System Integrity Protection issue solution
Andy to think about how to make the analyses dir usable with preinstalled Rivet, to facilitate developing pull requests.
Could use subrepos? https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Subrepository
Christian B to arrange a next HI dev meeting in ~2 weeks; Leif to present his centrality design update. James M & Przemek to collaborate on developing event-mixing helpers as required.
Sync into hg (new dev branch?) asap, please

HepData sync: Chris G to lead ref data sync/migration -- allocate helpers?
Louie's correlations extension to HepData YODA export done -- thanks! -- and AnalysisObject diff script updated to ignore.
Think about how to ensure sync in release/contrib analysis merging procedure? (Thought: add HepData "source" marker to exported files & check in merge request?)

Xavier to follow up Rivet 2.6.x integration / dynamic loader issue in CMSSW -- let us know if we can help.
Maybe check by setting RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH=/some/empty/path:: (trailing :: crucial!) to prevent fallback to the install dir, then systematically introduce plugins until it breaks?

Analysis coverage: please review current lists to identify urgent and in-progress analyses. "Ranking" files are now in the rivet repo doc directory: update directly, please.
Andy to look into adding non-LHC experiments (quick feedback: not known to CDS, so will require changes to the data source), and buttons for showing only one experiment (NB. won't be perfect, may be slow!!)

Jon B to investigate options for a UCL-hosted developer workshop in Spring 2019.
Andy to see if there's interest to run an ep-focused workshop with Christine Rasmussen, Ilkka Helenius, and DESY colleagues (Chris Pollard, James Ferrando, Hannes Jung). Timing unspecified.
Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

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