[Rivet] Quit Smoking And Save Yourself From Cancer and Other Diseases Like Diabetes Now!

The Quit Smoking Protocol thequitsmokingprotocol at smoking-quit.us
Sat Jul 21 12:40:41 BST 2018

We immediately called an ambulance, and instead of 
walking out of the church with a new son in law and a
beaming bride, my husband left on a stretcher, with an
oxygen mask strapped to him face.

 The wedding was over. 
 Robert had a smoking related stroke.
I jumped into the ambulance and sat beside him, while the rest of my family
 followed behind, including my daughter Patricia whose wedding dress was smeared with blood from her father's head wound. 
 My husband was rushed to the University of Iowa Hospital where the doctors 
 discovered that he had indeed had the stroke and that his life was in danger.
I had no idea whether he was going to live or die.
All of this because of smoking.
His brain had been starved of oxygen due to the time it took the ambulance to get to the church, I had no way to tell if he'd be ok...
As I sat there beside his hospital bed, holding his hand in mine, I made a promise to myself.


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