[Rivet] Inquiry about Rivet

David Grellscheid david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk
Mon Jan 15 14:22:30 GMT 2018

Dear Jerry,

> 1) Do you expect to produce a python3 interface at some point? This is
> rather important, as I work on a framework based on python3.

Rivet 2.6.0 and YODA 1.7.0 are our test balloons to get full py3
compatibility. At the moment, the configure check fails for a silly
technical issue that we overlooked, which I'll fix this week. Once you
get past that, the rest of the code should already be compatible. It
would be great to have another user on py3 and I'm very keen to sort out
any remaining problems!

> 2) I have been told, in conversations with Daniel Maitre and Stefan
> Hoeche, that a Rivet extension which can properly handle NLO Ntuple
> files (to produce correct real-radiation estimations of statistical
> uncertainties in computed observables) was in the making.

This is our long standing almost-but-not-quite-ready feature, I'm
afraid. We have a larger developer meeting later this spring and I
really hope that that will be the final hurdle to pass for the NLO
version. If you're interested, I can send you a link to a prerelease,
with all the caveats that implies (definitely not yet production-safe)

Best regards,


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