[Rivet] Rivet plans and next monthly meeting -- Mon 3 Sep?

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Aug 24 22:17:27 BST 2018

~Everyone is able to attend on Mon 3 Sept -- good! Looking at the MCnet Computing School schedule, I suggest we meet at 3pm CEST / 2pm UK. Everyone still ok with that? The meeting is open to anyone who wants to attend.

I've copied in some of the participants from the just-finished Rivet Heavy Ion workshop who said they would also like to join, since they aren't on the Rivet developer list. It would be good for us to include a regular discussion/update slot on that topic at least until the workshop targets are achieved.

Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

On Aug 14 2018, at 4:26 pm, Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at cern.ch> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well, I finally delivered on my promise and got Rivet 2.6.1 released. PHEW!
> I'm also committed to getting a public v3 release by the end of the month, so please hold me to that. (Help with it is 200% welcome, of course...)
> So things are approximately on track for our next Rivet monthly meeting, at the start of September. Looking at my calendar, I suggest Monday 3 September, which is the first day of the MCnet Computing School but I'm sure there will be a suitable time. Can you let me know your restrictions on that day (and the following ones, if necessary)? Thanks.
> Now a bit of background/minutes from the last meeting:
> The main thing to be discussed at that is devising a concrete plan, with assigned tasks, for resyncing Rivet's ref data collection with HepData. As a reminder, Holger was going to provide his "old" Rivet/HD comparison scripts, and Christian & Louie were going to start building some notes (from the cmp script output?) on the known origins of discrepancies, e.g. where Rivet ref data was on-purpose submitted with different plot content. The triage process is most likely to involve focusing first on trivial cases where the dataset ID codes are different but semantically the same; then getting into the (much fewer?) more complex cases where the datasets actually have different meanings and maybe we need to port back improvements into HD with experiment approval.
> I was also tasked with moving the Rivet codebase to BitBucket, once the two releases are done. We already have a group there, with a tentative project for the Rivet3 paper (ACTION: Jon!) and I hope this will not be too tough. We also need to find a new home for the mailing lists -- I had hoped that Jira and Confluence, from the same company, would equally offer free academic licenses, but they "only" give a 50% discount and the price explodes above 10 users. I will investigate whether we can use CERN's Jira, and/or other systems, but their mailing list system is sufficiently crap that I regard that as the option of last resort!
> Andy
> Dr Andy Buckley, Senior Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
> Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Glasgow

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