[Rivet] problem in running Rivet with Dockers

Pietro Govoni pietro.govoni at cern.ch
Tue Aug 21 22:27:10 BST 2018

Dear Rivet developers,

I am new to your software and to Dockers, and I am trying to start using the two on my MacBook Pro (op. system 10.13.6).
After installing Dockers and getting the container hepstore/rivet:2.6.1, I can run the bash shell and Rivet itself (the command I tried is [1]).
On the other hand, when I get to making the plots with rivet-mkhtml, I get the error: "ERROR: required program 'latex' could not be found. Exiting...".
Now, I have latex on my computer, but I guess that rivet-mkhtml is searching for it in the Dockers container, where is not. I also tried (successfully) to install it there when running the bash shell, but I don't know how to update the container so that the installation remains there.

Would you please help me going forward?

Best regards,


[1] alias             rivet='docker run -i  --rm  -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g`  -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD  hepstore/rivet:2.6.1 rivet'
[2 ]alias      rivet-mkhtml='docker run -i  --rm  -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g`  -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD  hepstore/rivet:2.6.1 rivet-mkhtml'

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