[Rivet] Analysis documentations

Jonathan Butterworth j.butterworth94 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 13:35:11 BST 2016

Hi all,

A minor thing but would be helpful.

The analysis reference page


is now quite long and will get longer.

Also, because of the large amount of math text on the page, if you link 
through directly to a specific analysis, as we would like to from the 
Contur pages, the maths processing changes the alignment of the page so 
the browser ends up not pointing to the analysis you wanted. You can see 
the effect if you click on the analysis links at the bottom of the table 


(at least in Chrome and Firefox, not sure about other browsers)

I wonder if it would be possible to redo the analysis page so that the 
top page is still an index, but each analysis linked is in a separate 
file, for example?

Happy to do this myself if you agree and point the way...

Hope the developer workshop goes well!

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