[Rivet] Rivet 2.5.2 release imminent

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Sep 20 21:32:24 BST 2016

Hi all,

Modulo Markus Seidel's suggestion that DressedLeptons should actually 
apply a charged leptons requirement, we think we've done everything on 
the Rivet 2.5.2 to-do list. David, is the Cython checking all done and 
ready to go? Anyone got any other urgent blocker to-dos?

This release is going to be awesome: loads of useful new features 
allowing very expressive application of cuts, particle/jet filtering, 
etc. -- plus a *lot* of new analyses, and I even wrote a cut-flow object 
to help the BSM people a bit more ;-) Just in time for the dev workshop, 

On the DressedLeptons thing: actually it currently requires neither 
chargedness nor lepton-ness of the inputs. I think that's potentially 
dangerous -- it's not unreasonable to pass a generic FinalState into 
DressedLeptons and to expect only dressed charged leptons to come out... 
even though that FinalState input arg is called "bareleptons".
So are we ok with applying an internal filtering to discard any 
particles that aren't charged leptons from the list of objects to be 
clustered with the photons?


Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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