[Rivet] New projection method names without "projection"

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Tue May 24 07:59:38 BST 2016

>>> As some of you at the MCnet Computing School last week (which was
>>> excellent,
>>> by the way) know, I think we made a mistake when we used the word
>>> "projection" to name a concept in Rivet.
>> For those of us who were not at the school last week, could you
>> explain why Projection is a misnomer? I always liked it, as it is a
>> concise wording which still captures exactly the functionality.
> I quite like the picture, but a) the algebraic mapping is not exact because
> you can't actually do P(P(Event)),

I see, though I would consider this nitpicking.

> b) the caching feature should not be
> something users typically need to think about,

This is not related to the (re)naming, is it?

> and c) my experience is that
> users really do not get it... it's certainly not intuitive until someone
> explains the relevant mental picture. "Calculator" or "Observable" might
> have been better choices from the user point-of-view.

Ah, that's a valid point.

>>> We're too far down the rabbit-hole to completely reverse that now, but we
>>> can reduce the number of times that normal users have to encounter the
>>> word
>>> "projection".
>> I'll admit to being a boring conservative here, who has been scolded
>> too often for user-facing changes (though I think we have been pretty
>> good over the last months or even year(s)). While I'm not strictly
>> against such changes, I'd prefer to limit them to really good reasons.
> We intend to keep Rivet alive for another 10 years or more, I think. That
> means that change is inevitable as requirements change -- it's how we manage
> it that matters. I don't think this is a critical thing, but I think a great
> deal of our success so far is due to interface intuitiveness: users find
> Rivet "natural" and easy to get from zero to something useful. If we want to
> keep expanding that collection of coding users -- and I do, especially into
> the BSM realms of the experiments -- then I think it's worth polishing this
> last, unintuitive corner of the API.
>>> For addProjection, the "Projection" part of the name is redundant because
>>> the argument type is an object derived from Projection. But I don't think
>>> "add" is a very clear name anyway, so maybe something like
>>> register(myproj,
>>> "MyObs") would be better? We could have "add" as another alias to ease
>>> the
>>> transition from addProjection.
>> Would the plan be to leave all three  (addProjection, register, add)
>> functioning forever, or would one or two be obsoleted at some point?
> I don't know about super-long-term, but in the short-term I would regard my
> proposal as being for co-exiting synonyms. Arguably the ones with the
> "projection" in the name are more suitable for internal Projection
> implementation where the author needs to know what's going on under the
> hood, while the "projection"-less variants are syntactic sugar for the
> "casual" user who just wants to implement their analysis as quickly & easily
> as possible.

If we do not intend to keep the intermediate "add" around for
super-long-term then I would suggest to not introduce it at all but go
for "addProjection" and "register" only.

Maybe we should also consider the context of booking/registering
histograms, counters, etc., which will become more relevant once we
have re-entrant histogramming. This uses a similar concept, not
storing something as a member variable but registering it with a
string instead. Are we happy with the parallel usage of
bookHisto1D("name", ...) and register(myproj, "MyObs"), or should this
be somewhat streamlined?


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