[Rivet] histogram legend with spaces and other characters

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Mon May 23 16:22:13 BST 2016

Hi Raghav,

You can give arbitrary histogram names on the command line like this:

rivet-mkhtml a.yoda:A b.yoda:"Histo B" c.yoda:'$\mathcal{C}$'

where the labels get increasingly silly from left to right. This is just 
a convenient way of setting the Title attribute in each HISTOGRAM block 
in the .dat files: those are used in the legend, while the Title of the 
PLOT block (if given) is written at the top of the plot.


On 23/05/16 13:26, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli wrote:
> Hi Rivet Experts,
> Its me again :)
> I have a question regarding histogram legends in the plot. At the moment, if we dont give a specific title, then the name of the yoda file is taken as the legend. Even if i try to give a different title, it has to be one without any spaces or special characters. for example i have a histogram that i ideally want to label
> 0-20%, w/ recoils
> but this wont get accepted now and make-plots just crashes. I have to say it like so 0_20_wRecoils and that works. Is there a way i can give my custom legend to the histogram. I see that you can give a custom legend in the make plot documentation page, but it looks like its only for the plot as opposed to a specific histogram?
> Cheers
> Raghav
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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