[Rivet] CMS_2015_I1370682.tgz

Janssen Xavier xavier.janssen at uantwerpen.be
Wed Mar 16 18:35:04 GMT 2016

Hi Andy.

cc Sandeep which wrote that plugin.

So Sandeep can you try to have a look at it and explain if you can use the event shape code of Rivet or not ?

Cheers, Xavier.

> Just a reminder that we also still haven't integrated CMS_2014_I1305624 into Rivet because of the dodgy "EventShape_rivet" class that it came with. Most of the functionality of this class is implemented already, and more nicely, in Rivet's own vector classes and event shape projections, and this doesn't look like something that will be easy for us to maintain in future. But if you do want to keep it more-or-less as it currently is, then please use the same unnamed namespace trick and resubmit the single .cc file to us. Thanks!

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