[Rivet] Accessing the impact parameter of pp collisions with Rivet

Gunnellini, Paolo paolo.gunnellini at desy.de
Thu Jun 16 10:07:13 BST 2016

Dear rivet experts,

I was wondering if it is somehow possible to access the impact parameter 
in pp collisions with Rivet (I am specifically working with P8, where 
this info is ). If I look at the Gen Event, there is no specific method 
for that, but perhaps there is a possible workaround for that.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Paolo Gunnellini


Paolo Gunnellini
CMS experiment
Email: paolo.gunnellini at desy.de
        paolo.gunnellini at cern.ch
Office: 1b/02.212
Phone: +49-40-8998-2578

Desy, Notkestrasse 85
Hamburg, 22607 Germany

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