[Rivet] A few technical questions

Alex Grecu Alex.Grecu at cern.ch
Mon Jun 6 20:18:52 BST 2016

Dear RIVET/YODA developers,

I'm currently migrating some RIVET modules for LHCb measurements to the 
new YODA interface and I ran into an issue that would require your 
input/expertise to solve. Is there a way in YODA to plot a cross-section 
value with zero bin width? Or is it something you envisage implementing 
in the near future. So far, we conservatively set the bin width to 1 
unit (i.e. 7000 +- 0.5 for centre-of-mass energy), but I see there are 
older HepData records that have integrated XS values at 7000 +- 0.0. 
Depending on your answer I should know to ask for these records to be 
edited or not to include a non-zero bin width (if one still wants to 
produce integrated XS values with RIVET modules).

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

*LHCb* Experiment
/Horia Hulubei/ National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear 
Engineering (IFIN-HH)

Office: 11/1-014
Phone: +41 22 76 79058
Postbox: F26500

Bucharest-Magurele, 408 Atomistilor, DFT bld, office 220 (2nd floor),
Phone: +4(0) 21 404 62 48; ext. 3404

Skype name: /alex.t.grecu/
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