[Rivet] Rivet Trouble

Eike Germann eger4 at student.monash.edu
Thu Jan 21 02:26:10 GMT 2016

Hey there :)

I'm trying to run an analysis with Pythia 8 and Rivet (ALICE_2010_S8624100
in particular) requiring multiple beams, each of which I've stored in a
separate .hepmc file. When I hand these over to Rivet (doesn't matter if I
use fifo or pre-written, disc based .hepmc), Rivet reads the first file
correctly and then complains

Reading events from 'main42_2360_out.hepmc'
Event beams mismatch: [PROTON, PROTON] @ 2360 GeV vs. first beams [PROTON @
450 GeV, PROTON @ 450 GeV] @ 900 GeV

I can't find separate instructions on how to use Rivet for an analysis like
this other than using multiple output files, so what's going on?

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