[Rivet] CMS_2015_I1370682.tgz

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Tue Feb 23 22:11:14 GMT 2016

Hi Xavier,

I finally got free from various other commitments and have integrated 
this analysis into Rivet for the upcoming 2.4.1 release.

The approach that we decided to take is to embed the PseudoJet class 
"inline" in the analysis .cc file: see 

I've used an unnamed namespace for this embedding, which I think should 
ensure that the exact same PseudoJet code -- or a slightly different & 
evolved version, which is why we did it this way -- can be embedded into 
other analyses without symbol clashes and similar fun.

Obviously this isn't great for code reuse, but our experience with quite 
analysis-specific quantities like photon/lepton/jet isolation algorithms 
has been that it's better to define them locally to the analysis at 
least until it seems certain that the definitions are globally suitable. 
Some features of this one, such as the hard-coded target top and W 
masses, probably wouldn't be suitable for all pseudo-top analyses.

Just a reminder that we also still haven't integrated CMS_2014_I1305624 
into Rivet because of the dodgy "EventShape_rivet" class that it came 
with. Most of the functionality of this class is implemented already, 
and more nicely, in Rivet's own vector classes and event shape 
projections, and this doesn't look like something that will be easy for 
us to maintain in future. But if you do want to keep it more-or-less as 
it currently is, then please use the same unnamed namespace trick and 
resubmit the single .cc file to us. Thanks!

Best wishes,

On 27/11/15 20:42, Janssen Xavier wrote:
> Hi,
> I am submitting the first TOP plugin from CMS but we need to discuss as the people responsible for it wrote a ‘PseudoTop’ class that they intend to re-use across different analysis in the future.
> I am not sure however how this works for you and maybe it needs ad minima renaming to CMS_PseudoTop
> Let me known,
> Xavier,
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Dr Andy Buckley, Lecturer / Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow

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