[Rivet] NASA Doctor Reveals How To Reverse Brain Age

Cognitine cognitine-creaks at mystart.com
Sun Sep 7 20:45:14 BST 2014

               Every Cell Of Your Brain Has A \"Clock\" In It.
               Here's How to Wind Those Clocks Backwards!
             There's a time bomb ticking away in every cell from the moment it blinks into existence.
             But science now shows surprising breakthroughs...
             Here's the thing; the trillions of cells in our entire body are pre-programmed to die.
             The clocks are set...
             Some cells last hours and some live on for years. But sooner or later they all die.
             It's normal.
             It's part of the aging process.
             It's called apoptosis.
             The problem is some cells are given a death sentence before their time.
             When cells are under stress, like from those nasty free radicals wreaking havoc in your brain, apoptosis can occur sooner than expected.
             And that's when problems happen.
             Your brain cells start a MASS SUICIDE like those thousands of lemmings who run headfirst off a cliff to their impending doom for no apparent reason.
             Increased apoptosis is a common characteristic of degenerative cognitive diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
             Now, there's no hiding how crippling those diseases are, is there...
             Imagine if it becomes a habit to forget to pull up your pants when you're done on the toilet, or not even being able to do simple calculations like tracking your checkbook, or losing your license because you're a danger to yourself and others.
             Not fun at all.
             But what if you could RESTORE the effects of crippling your brain?
             What if you could AVOID premature apoptosis and an aging brain?
             Well...You can.
             Meet Dr. Sam Walters.
             In his latest video, Dr. Walters shares his knowledge about natural foods and supplements that can actually RESTORE the effects, like;
               A magical plant that actually increases blood flow to the brain and protects the cells against the damages caused by free radicals
               A common garden plant that actually increases cognitive ability
               An ancient Chinese remedy that actually has been proven to RESTORE the effects of an aging brain in as little as 5 weeks!
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