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Sat Mar 22 16:34:29 GMT 2014

 Bloomberg Businessweek 
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<http://yourobe.com/jrcuji/DT3er8TlTEiQEE2TwfuutiiBEEir2EQj7X4ijK88ejuuuuZfwVwuuVw6fsfsfPRwfuuX48oiX48NFiGoEdCiA84Fzdim24> There are basically sensors placed on all protected doorways, windows and other entryways, designed to trigger the alarm when the door or window is opened.The majority of alarm sensors feature two parts:A small magnet The other contains a circuit with a metal switch that the magnet holds closed. When the door or window is opened, the magnet can no longer hold the circuit closed and the flow of electricity through the circuit is broken (triggering the alarm.)This type of alarm system is the most common, since a break in the flow of electricity will set off the alarm.You can also have motion detectors,which it sounds like you don't have,so we'll ignore that.The problem you will have is that leaving a window open before they set the alarm will be noticed by the alarm system,itself,and it will tell them on the control panel when they go to set the alarm.That's assuming that that window is part of the alarm system itself.If it's been set up with the sensors,basically.If it's part of the system,you're screwed,sorry.The only advice I can give you is don't sneak out.Ask your parents if you can go out when you want to.They're only looking out for your safety,anyway.]]
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