[Rivet] Rivet 2.1.1 setup

David Bjergaard david.bjergaard at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 15:31:09 BST 2014

Hi Joakim,

I'm not an expert, but I have recently migrated from 1.8.2 to 2.x.y.
It sounds like your include path isn't getting setup properly.
rivet-buildplugin sets up a call to g++, according to how Rivet was

Do you have rivet-config in your path? If so, you could put something
together "by hand" to figure out if this is really an include path

If I recall correctly, rivet-buildplugin will take additional compiler
flags appended to the build command, if so something like:
> rivet-buildplugin "RivetAnalysisName.so" AnalysisName.cc -I$(rivet-config --includedir) 
Would setup the include path properly.

At the very least sending the output of your rivet-buildplugin command
will provide more information for the other experts.


Joakim Sjunnebo <joakim.alexander.sjunnebo at cern.ch> writes:

> Dear Rivet developers,
> I'm working with a Rivet analysis and have so far been
> using Rivet 1.8.2, however, I need to be able to make 2D histograms, so
> I need to start using Rivet 2.x.y. I have been struggling with how to
> set up the Rivet environment correctly. What I have been doing is (on slc5):
> source setupRivet.sh
> source setupRel.sh
> rivet-buildplugin myAnalysis.cc
> athena RunRivet_jobOptions.py
> This worked fine for 1.8.2, but if I in setupRivet.sh just change Rivet
> version to 2.1.1, an error is generated in the rivet-buildplugin step,
> where it basically states that it can't find Rivet/RivetAIDA.hh and
> Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh. If I change the LCGTAG to
> x86_64-slc6-gcc46-opt and run on slc6, setupRivet.sh produces an error
> since it then can't find the path to professor or agile. I'm quite new
> with this, but I haven't found the answer to this anywhere on the web or
> in the documentation. Do you know how I can set up the Rivet environment
> to make this work?
> Regards,
> Joakim
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