[Rivet] ATLAS_2012_I1199269 - diphoton analysis to be included into Rivet

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Fri Jan 31 12:11:20 GMT 2014

Thanks Roman,

We are trying hard to produce a 2.1.0 Rivet release right now, and will
add this analysis immediately after that: we're planning an "analysis
updates only" 2.1.1 but there is value in getting 2.1.0 and the current
set of analysis updates public as soon as possible. Thanks again!

Andy & al

PS. As you've seen on other threads, Rivet 2.0.0 is usable (with a
couple of tweaks which will not be necessary when 2.1.0 is released) in
ATLAS sw now. It would help a lot if you could encourage analysis
authors to move to using Rivet 2 so we don't have to convert the code in
future. Let me know if there are things where we can technically aid
that transition, e.g. getting Rivet2 available in the MC12 17.2.*
releases (this requires talking nicely to Genser).

On 28/01/14 14:10, Roman Lysak wrote:
>   Dear Rivet authors,
> we have prepared another analysis from Atlas experiment which we would
> like to include into Rivet.
> We validated that the routine produces consistent results comparing to
> results in the paper.
> All necessary information can be found in the attachment.
> Please let me know if anything else is required.
> Thanks,
>   Roman Lysak
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Dr Andy Buckley, Royal Society University Research Fellow
Particle Physics Expt Group, University of Glasgow / PH Dept, CERN

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