[Rivet] Your Exclusive Invitation

GlobalWhosWho at 1surveillance.com GlobalWhosWho at 1surveillance.com
Wed Feb 19 21:27:00 GMT 2014

The best business book I've read. And I've read a lot. If you design products, software, apps, systems, programs, or companies, you have to read this book. Twice. And everyone you work with needs to read it, too. I read about 15 to 20 books on business, persuasion, psychology, and product design every year. Sometimes more. And I read blogs on strategy, design, and influence every day of my life. I've never read a book that covers all of these subjects so well. But that's not all. Nir Eyal's Hooked also give practical steps and tasks you can start using after the first chapter. In other words, this book will make you more valuable to yourself, your family, your products, and your company the minute you pick it up. But don't just pick it up; read it. Read all. Highlight and take notes. And put it into action. Thank you, Nir Eyal. You've made the world a better place.
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