[Rivet] running rivet on the grid (via lxplus)

Adi Ashkenazi adi.ashkenazi at cern.ch
Thu Nov 21 15:11:25 GMT 2013

Dear experts,



First of all, let me start with a big thank you for the very informative and
useful tutorial

(and for dealing with all the vidyo problems :)


I'm currently running my own analysis on pool.root files produced with

When running locally, I get the results on aida file and can plot them with
no problem.

But, when running the same code on the grid:

All of my job run successfully, and in the log files I can see that the
analysis ran over all the events,

But the all of the output .aida files are empty.

Do you have a guess for my problem?

An example for such output is here:


Thank you in advance,



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