[Rivet] Fwd: something from Rivet

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at cern.ch
Wed May 8 20:49:03 BST 2013

FYI... sounds interesting, although I've not looked in any detail yet.
Feedback to Sergei rather than me, please!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: something from Rivet
Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 12:15:52 -0500
From: Sergei Chekanov <chekanov at anl.gov>
Reply-To: chekanov at anl.gov
Organisation: ANL
To: Andy Buckley <andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk>

 Hi, Andy

 For Snowmass13, I've released a first version of  the ProMC file
format, which is more compact than HEPMC (or even than ROOT), and one
can use it to write/read events using  a number of languages
(C++,Java,Python).  I've started to dump Pythia8 and Delphes outputs
into this format.
But it  can  also be interesting for Rivet:

 Look at this: http://promc.hepforge.org/

I'm trying to get money for a posdoc to work on this (and start using it
for ATLAS).

best, Sergei

        Sergei Chekanov            | WWW  : www.hep.anl.gov/chakanau
        ===============            | Email: chakanau at hep.anl.gov
       HEP Division, ANL           | Tel  : +01-630-252 6541
 9700 S.Cass,Argonne,IL 60439,USA  | Fax  : +01-630-252-5782

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