[Rivet] Rivet dev sprint session

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Mon Nov 5 14:13:56 GMT 2012

Hi Leif,

>> Also, as far as I understood from EPJC's authors instructions, one
>> has to use this style: \documentclass[epj,nopacs]{svjour}
>> Where did you take the current line from?
>> \documentclass[epjc3]{svjour3}
> Well, I pulled the style files from the epj website and used the
> template for epjc, but removed the 'twocolumn' option. I see now that I
> forgot some additional \RequirePackage directives, which makes the text
> slightly nicer. I've checked in the changes.

Aah, I can find it now, but am pretty sure that this is different from
the instructions a few weeks ago. Seems like EPJC's portal and
instructions have seen quite an update?

Did you encounter any difficulties building this with pdflatex (I
assume/suggest that's what we want to use)? I always get tex errors

! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable
\AtBegShi at Output ...ipout \box \AtBeginShipoutBox
                                                  \fi \fi
l.79 \cleardoublepage

!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on paper-epjc.log.

It doesn't help to use the pdftex option to svjour3, but this does not
happen, if I disable the \RequirePackage{fix-cm} or the
\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}, which are explicitly specified in the
template though.

With the onecolumn geometry issues and pdflatex/font issues, this
template seems significantly inconvenient to be used.
To move forward with this, I'd see three options:
a) We submit it in normal latex article one-column format and let EPJC
worry about converting to their style. Again, we should contact EPJC
before-hand whether that would be acceptable.
b) One of us finds a way to fix the problems above (I'm giving up).
c) We go with the CPC style which is already prepared.
Given that toying around with EPJC has taken a month now, my
preference is c). But if somebody wants to talk to EPJC and/or fix the
issues with the style *soon* that would of course also be fine with me
(in principle and after all, I'd prefer EPJC as well).


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