[Rivet] HepMV version issue

James Henderson James.Henderson at physics.ox.ac.uk
Mon Jun 18 13:01:16 BST 2012


I have been asked to use my rivet code to analyse some hepmc2g files 
that a colleague has produced from Sherpa 1.4.02. My issue is that my 
rivet analysis won't run over his samples but, when I copy his run card 
and use this to produce my own hepmc2g file the rivet analysis works fine.
I can see that the difference between the hepmc files is the version 
number; he has used 2.06.05 and my files are 2.03.11.

The error message I recieve is:
|User-supplied cross-section = 2.551110e+01 pb
Rivet 1.8.0 running on machine pplxwn34.physics.ox.ac.uk (x86_64)
CommonIO::read_heavy_ion setting badbit.
CommonIO::read_pdf_info setting badbit.
CommonIO::read_vertex setting badbit.
CommonIO::read_vertex setting badbit.|

I belive this is due to the 2.06.05 hepmc file not having a heavy-ion 
line where it is expected. Could you tell me if there is a way to make 
rivet run over the 2.06.05 hepmc files?

My setup is as follows:

Rivet 1.8.0 setup from: 
Agile 1.2.0 setup from: 
- used to create hepmc files
HepMC 2.03.11 setup from both the rivetenv and agileenv scripts.

Thank you for your time,

James Henderson

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