[Rivet] Rivet histograms

Christian Roehr christian.roehr at kit.edu
Thu Sep 1 18:25:18 BST 2011

Hi All,

I'd like to report a strange behaviour in the histogramming/plotting
part of Rivet 1.6.0 and also provide a possible fix.

Since I like Rivet plots :) , I started to use flat2aida (and friends)
to plot Herwig++-internal histograms. I.e. Hw++ creates a .dat file
including labels etc, which can then be processed by flat2aida.

This works well with Rivet 1.5.  When I switched to version 1.6.0 now, I
found two problems:

1. flat2aida just didn't write the xlabel and ylabel information to the
aida files.

2. compare-histos didn't collect the xlabel and ylabel info from the
aida files (which of course did contain labels).

Two changes in lighthisto.py (attached) fixed both problems for me.

For no apparent reason, the lighthisto.py of Rivet 1.5 did not have this
problem, although the respective sections are the same. You'll certainly
have a better understanding of this. :)

I've also attached a sample .dat file, which you can use to reproduce

All the best and thanks,


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