[Rivet] VisibleFinalState -- black or white list [Was: r3383]

Frank Siegert frank.siegert at cern.ch
Tue Oct 4 10:49:56 BST 2011

On 30/09/11 21:37, David Grellscheid wrote:
>> But the question whether to prefer a black or a white list is still open.
> Given the BSM analyses I've been looking at, I strongly prefer the
> current setup, since I cannot think of any other BSM non-hadronic
> neutrals that would be visible, so nothing else needs to be added.
> In the old case, there's lots of stuff that still needs to be added. All
> sorts of neutral KK-modes from extra-dimension models, etc, etc.
> The gluon was an oversight and would have been in, had I thought about
> parton-level analyses before.

Ok, fine with me, as long as we make an effort to think about all 
special cases. A few come to my mind right now:

1. What about gluinos (as far as my limited SUSY knowledge goes, I think 
in some scenarios they can be LSP's)?
2. Could beam remnants contain anything strange uncharged at parton level?
3. Should we allow e.g. stable Z as final states and treat the Z as visible?


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