[Rivet] [Professor] RivetProfessorSandbox

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed May 25 12:59:59 BST 2011

D'oh -- I thought that you hadn't been able to get that VM to work, 
Hendrik, hence we pulled it from the December tutorial plan? Sorry, I 
thought that my mail to Daniel about this had gone to the whole 
Professor list but it actually just went between the two of us.

Having seen Daniel's VM, I think it's a very neat and up to date setup. 
I'm not sure what the Boinc VM used by mcplots is like, but if I were 
making it I probably wouldn't even bother to install an X server... 
different requirements, I think.

The one thing that Daniel and I discussed this morning is how to keep 
this thing updated -- if it just contains a few old generators and 
Rivet+Professor, then updates will be relatively infrequent. If it also 
includes the "MCnet generators" (Sherpa was just installed because 
Daniel's been using it and is familiar with the installation), then I 
think we should plan how to distribute the maintenance/update work. It 
would definitely be nice to have a general MCnet VM for tutorials etc.

The choice of OS etc. were made to make the VM as small as possible 
while still being functional. That includes removal of the HEP package 
sources -- I don't know if that would be a problem for MCnet tutorials. 
There are also a couple of compression tricks that Daniel has developed 
such as filling the VM swap partition and unused disk space with zeroes 
before compressing... it would be good to have this procedure documented 
as part of the distribution of responsibility.


On 25/05/11 10:52, Daniel Weyh wrote:
> No, I didn't know.
> Andy told me to create a VM two weeks ago - so I guess he didn't know either?
> Am 25.05.2011 um 10:23 schrieb Hendrik Hoeth:
>> Thus spake David Grellscheid (david.grellscheid at durham.ac.uk):
>>>> as some of you already know I was creating a VirtualBox VM to have
>>>> a testing platform with low entry barriers.
>>> That sounds really great! If you could get Pythia 8, ThePEG and
>>> Herwig++ on there, too, it would be a useful VM for MCnet as a
>>> whole, which could be used at schools, etc. I'm asking because I'll
>>> need to set a VM up for the Japan school in September, anyway, so I
>>> can give you a hand if needed.
>> I assume you guys know that I have a VM with Rivet, Professor, and all
>> three generators sitting here on my disk, created for the ATLAS
>> Rivet+Professor tutorial last December? Could use newer versions, but
>> otherwise fully functioning.
>> --
>> The minimum number of planes one should own is one. The correct number
>> is n+1, where n is the number of planes currently owned. This equation
>> may also be re-written as s-1, where s is the number of planes owned
>> that would result in separation from your partner.       -- Veluminati
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Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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