[Rivet] RivetLogging with Herwig++

Kiran Joshi Kiran.Joshi at cern.ch
Thu Mar 24 12:17:34 GMT 2011


I've having trouble getting any logging/debug messages out of Rivet when running it through Herwig++.
I've included the following lines in my Rivet analysis:

void analyze(const Event& event) {
	Log& log = Log::getLog("Rivet.Analysis.MY_TEST_ANALYSIS");
	log << Log::ERROR << "This is a test error message." << endl;

and in my Herwig++ input file, I've done:

set /Herwig/Analysis/RivetAnalysis:Debug Yes

But I still don't see any messages when I run the analysis.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kiran Joshi

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