[Rivet] CMS rivet analyses

Andy Buckley andy.buckley at ed.ac.uk
Wed Jun 8 13:25:16 BST 2011

On 08/06/11 13:13, Albert Knutsson wrote:
> Dear Andy,
> CMS have a couple of Rivet analyses which we would like to be
> included in the official Rivet release. In the first round it looks like
> we will have 3 CMS approved analyses, but more will come.
> Can we just send the files to you, or what do you propose?

Great! Best that you just send the files to us... to the Rivet 
development list rather than me personally, please (also for any 
requests like this.)

To avoid excessive iteration, can you first double-check to ensure that 
the code style, use of histograms, etc. are all in line with the 
existing analyses and code guidelines, so that we don't have to spend a 
lot of time reworking the analysis code. Also, please make sure that all 
histograms and event counters are implemented using the event weight 
rather than 1.0 -- we've been bitten by that before!

I assume that you have checked these analyses internally and are happy 
that they are a faithful implementation of the data analyses and 
reproduce your published MC lines within expected statistical limits?

Thanks again,

Dr Andy Buckley
SUPA Advanced Research Fellow
Particle Physics Experiment Group, University of Edinburgh

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