[Rivet] ratio plot

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Mon Jan 3 18:16:46 GMT 2011


Thus spake Sercan Sen (Sercan.Sen at cern.ch):

> I would like to get the ratios "r1 = a / b" and
> "r2 = c / d" and plot r1, r2 on the RATIO plot.

And which error band would you like to plot? b or d? Or something
completely different? Introducing that kind of flexibility also
introduces a whole new universe of questions.

> Is there an option for this in make-plots script ?

No. If you really want to do this using make-plots, you will have to do
some LaTeX-hacking:

- Use RatioPlotReference=b, run make-plots --tex and save the output.
- Do the same with RatioPlotReference=d.
- Edit the two .tex files. First search for "RatioPlot". Below you find
  a series of blocks delimited by \psclip{}...\endpsclip. The first
  block contains a list of psframes, that's the error band. The next
  blocks contain the lines in the ratio plot. You can identify them by
  their linecolor and linestyle. Pick the blocks you like from the two
  .tex files (e.g. by deleting the c/b and d/b blocks from the first
  file and copying the c/d block from the second file to the first
- compile your final .tex file with "latex filename.tex ; dvips
  filename.dvi" and enjoy the output.



It pays to be obvious, especially if you have
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