[Rivet] New Analysis on Rivet 1.2.1

Flavia Dias fladias at gmail.com
Tue May 18 13:05:36 BST 2010

Hello all,

I'm trying to make my own analysis on Rivet 1.2.1, installed in my home

First, my problem is, I am able to compile it with no errors using the

 g++ -fPIC -o libRivetMuonAnalysis.so -shared
-I/home/fladias/RIVET/local/include -I/afs/
cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/HepMC/2.05.00/slc4_amd64_gcc34/include -I/afs/

But then, if I run rivet --list-analysis, my analysis won't be listed.

The code I use is attached.

The other thing is: I'll have some data from D0 to create a AIDA file and
use the automatic histogram booking to use in this analysis. The data will
be public released around next week. How should I proceed to use the data as
a reference file for my analysis?

Thank you very much,

Best Regards,

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