[Rivet] rivet-rescale

Hendrik Hoeth hendrik.hoeth at cern.ch
Mon Jul 5 16:39:05 BST 2010

Hi guys,

Some words of warning:

rivet-rescale -i does NOT, I repeat NOT replace the file specified on
the command line, but creates a file with the same name in the current
working directory instead. I.e. calling rivet-rescale -i from anywhere
else but the directory where the aida file is will not do what the user
wants. It took me hours to figure this out.

And if trying to normalise to reference data areas, one MUST MUST MUST
specify a reference data path. rivet-rescale will NOT pick up the
$PREFIX/share/Rivet/ path, unlike other rivet-* tools like rivet-mkhtml,
but instead very verbosely do nothing at all. Of course there is no
warning issued, either.

Just a heads-up for all those of you who also try using it ...

Now back to the Sherpa tuning. Or rather, to running rivet-rescale
_again_ in order to hopefully come to the point where I have input files
that I can actually use for the Sherpa tuning.


Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine
out of ten people couldn't start a conversation.    -- Kin Hubbard

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