[Rivet] Question about WFinder

Piergiulio Lenzi lenzip at fi.infn.it
Wed Feb 24 17:37:43 GMT 2010

Dear Rivet developers,
    I'm trying to use the WFinder projection, and I noticed that the pt 
cut and eta  range are actually applied both to the charged lepton and 
the neutrino. Can you confirm this?
I'm not sure whether this is the expected behavior or not, especially 
the eta cut on the neutrino is not something that one can apply in an 
If I had to choose, I would prefer not to check the neutrino eta and pt 
at all when building the W candidate, and then reproduce the experiment 
MET cut with a cut on TotalVisibleMomentum.
What do you think about that?
Many thanks in advance

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